Monday, December 30, 2019

William Edward Burghardt Du Bois - 1020 Words

Malik Hart August 20, 2015 Research Paper William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was one of the most important activist in the early 20th century. He was born February 23, 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts. In 1885 Du Bois came across his first encounter with the Jim Crow laws. He went to Harvard to receive his masters and before completing his masters he was offered an opportunity to study abroad in Berlin. Du Bois is known for many of his accomplishments such as being one of the most important civil rights activist, professor of sociology, historian, writer, and editor. In 1884 Dubois mother passed away forcing him to find a job. The principal of his high school helped him find a job in the local mill. In 1885 DuBois was given a scholarship to attended Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, there is where he first encountered the Jim Crow law. In order for him to get through school money wise, he had to help teach others in the more poor areas of Tennessee during his summer breaks. The experience of the Jim Crow law which legalized segregation between blacks and whites, is what caused him to want to become an activist. In 1885 Dubois was in Berlin studying for two years and came back to the United States eager to study African American history. Dubois attended Harvard to work hard on his paper for The Suppression of the African Slave Trade. In 1895 Dubois was the first African American to graduate from Harvard with a Ph.D. He began teaching at ClarkShow MoreRelatedWilliam Edward Burghardt Du Bois1208 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Edward Burghardt Du Bois, otherwise known as W.E.B Du Bois, accordingly introduced the idea of â€Å"double-consciousness† which he described to be a person whose identity can be â€Å"merged into a unity that they and the nation could be proud,† as stated in The Norton Anthology of African American Literature by Henry Louis Gates and Valerie Smith (Gates and Smith, page 682). Throughout history, the stories behind the lives of African American’s has been recognized as a tough, ongoing battle. TheRead MoreWilliam Edward Burghardt Du Bois Essay1333 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Edward Burghardt Du Bois, born in 1868, was a scholar, activist, and philosopher, born into the era of Reconstruction and lynching. Though he accomplished much in his life, Du Bois is largely known for helping found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and writing one of the most prominent works in American critical race theory, The Souls of Black Folk. Du Bois made it his life’s work to contest racism through self-assertion, humanize black people acrossRead MoreWilliam Edward Burghardt Du Bois1252 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Edward Burghardt Du Bois was born to Alfred and Mary Silvina Du Bois on February 23rd, 1868 in Great Barrington Massachusetts. While he grew up an African-American in a mostly white community, he attended an integrated school and excelled there. When he was old enough, his neighbors and church raised enough money for him to attend Fisk University in Nashville from 1885 to 1888. Because h e had never been south before, this is where he first experienced racial prejudice and Jim Crow laws.Read MoreWilliam Edward Burghardt (. B. ) Du Bois1085 Words   |  5 Pages William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B.) Du Bois was a successful author of many books and an accomplished student. He supported women s rights and the equality of African-American people. He had a pretty ordinary childhood, but his adult life was full of many accomplishments. He began to show a love and talent for reading and writing at a young age and this continued throughout his life. W.E.B. was born February 23, 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, a mostly European American townRead MoreEssay William Edward Burghardt Du Bois or W.E.B. Du Bois3534 Words   |  15 PagesWilliam Edward Burghardt Du Bois or W.E.B. Du Bois William Edward Burghardt Du Bois – known simply as W.E.B. – was 83 when the government indicted him as a foreign agent in 1951. The only crime he had committed, however, was circulating the Stockholm Appeal, which said any government to use an atomic weapon against another country should be treated as a war criminal. After spending six months in disgrace and paying $35,150 for his defense, the government dismissed its case against him. TheRead MoreCrying Of The Soul By William Edward Burghardt Du Bois708 Words   |  3 Pageshuman and real!† W.E.B. Du Bois. Ghana Calls is a Poem written by William Edward Burghardt Du Bois. He is also formally known as W.E.B. Du Bois. â€Å"He has been referred to as the father of the civil rights movement and as a historian, a sociologist, a scholar, a teacher, a novelist, and a journalist†(Hufford D 1997). This poem was dedicated to Kwame Nkrumah. Kwame Nkrumah was the Ghanaian leader who declared Ghana independence from Great Britain (UK). Many of W.E.B. Du Bois literary work was devotedRead MoreThe Ideals and Philosophies of William Edward Burghardt Du Bois1487 Words   |  6 Pages William Edward Burghardt Du Bois was born on February 23, 1868, in Massachusetts where he stayed to earn his Ph. D in History. Although growing up in the more tolerant North, Du Bois realized, at an early age, skin color will always be an issue. His dedication and love of learning empowered him with the feeling that through education it would one day be possible to breach the color line. His position as a Harvard graduate and his love for education meant that he was able to travel throughoutRead MoreBooker T Washington And William Edward Burghardt Du Bois894 Words   |  4 PagesB. William Edward Burghardt Du Bois arose to accomplish one goal, education for all African Americans. throughout the turn of the century, between the years 1895 and 1915 there have been several theories on how African Americans were about to attain first-class citizenship. With 2 separate views on a way to accomplish this goal, the African American community was split in half on who to support. whereas Booker T. Washington believed in industrial and agricultural labor, W.E.B. William Edward BurghardtRead MoreWilliam Edward Burghardt, Du Bois And Dorothy E. Smith Essay2350 Words   |  10 Pagesfew are William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B) Du bois and Dorothy E. Smith. Although they faced different challenges and have faced different forms of discrimination, we can see how both of their theories are very similar (and somewhat different) from one another. Because of them, we are able to think about the real issues of our society and its effects on an individual. William Edward Burghardt (W.E.B) Du bois was a sociologist, author, and civil rights leader born during the late 1860’s. Du bois was theRead MoreEducator and Human Rights Activist, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois1147 Words   |  5 Pagesfor centuries. Born on February 23, 1868 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts William Edward Burghardt Du Bois’s official job titles were to include educator, civil rights activist and journalist (Bolden, 2008). He was known as a social reformer to the psychology world and had practiced social sciences in college. He attended many universities over his career that included Harvard, Fisk and the University of Berlin (Du Bois, 1986). In 1895 he became the very first African American to gain the status

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Importance of Renewable Energy Sources - 1159 Words

1. Introduction Currently the renewable energy issue is intensely acknowledged, both by the specialists and general public. There has been published a huge amount of literature in the field of renewable energy sources, which has increased in the last years in absolute and relative terms [1]. Nevertheless, the debate regarding the support instruments and schemes for the development of renewable energy projects is far from being over, since more and more companies and public authorities are involved. This study examines the public policies to support the development of renewable energy in Romania, with the aim to disclose their objectives, regulations, measures, results and changes made in recent years. Therefore, this study examines firstly the support schemes for the development of renewable energy in the European Union, underlining the arguments to support the renewable energy, as well as the main barriers for its development. Secondly, this study analyses the renewable energy sector in Romania in terms of theoretical and economic potential, production and consumption of renewable energy, and legislation related to the renewable energy. Thirdly, this study discloses the main issues of the public renewable energy policy in Romania, starting with an overview of the tradable green certificates system, and revealing the changes of the Romanian support scheme and the possible effects of the policy changes. The research was conducted using evidence provided by articles (such asShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Drilling On Offshore Drilling1667 Words   |  7 Pagesoffshore drilling must be more strictly regulated, and a shift towards clean, renewable energy must be made. In light of this disaster this is a controversial claim due to the United States current reliance on offshore drilling and the scandalously close relationship between oil companies and the agency that regulates them. Although Americans benefit from offshore drilling with cheaper oil prices and affordable energy, and companies benefit from loose regulations with high profitability, ecosystemsRead MoreThe Global Trend Of The European Union1260 Words   |  6 Pagesscarce resources energy efficiency and renewable energy become increasingly important. It is also well-known that the climate-change as a result of high CO2-emissions, among others, can only be stopped or at least slowed down by reducing these emissions. The gene ral global trend therefore should move towards an increasing use of renewable energies while gradually stopping dependence on non-renewable energies, such as coal or oil. Despite trade-offs in terms of a possible rise in energy prices and impactsRead MoreRenewable Energy : The Beneficial Option For The Future !1227 Words   |  5 PagesRenewable energy; the beneficial option for the future! The threat of global warming is influencing people to become â€Å"greener,† turning to renewable energy options which are often referred to as alternative energy. Renewable energy refers to energy that does not come from burning of fossil fuels or pollutant infused methods to provide energy. It is the harnessing of natural resources that are constantly renewable such as sunlight for solar panels and wind for wind turbines, just to name two (LambRead MoreAlternative Sources of Renewable Energy Essay1629 Words   |  7 Pagesthe need for energy is growing as well. We are accustomed to using fossil fuels as our central source of energy for everyday uses. Fossil fuels are a natural matter that is found in the ground of the Earth formed in a previous time period millions of years ago that are nonrenewable and are used for energy today. Fossil fuels have to be burned in order to produce energy. When nonrenewable resources have been used, they cannot restock themselves or ever be used again. Renewable energy is a supplyRead MoreWith The Rapid Growth Of World Population, The Limited1114 Words   |  5 Pagesnon-renewable energy demand is increasing, especially in the developing countries. This situation causes the risk of depletion of cheap fossil energy sources, as well as environmental pollution and climate change. Therefore, the researchers worldwide have been tried continually to find solutions for the diversification of energy sources, reduce harmful emissions and emissions of greenhouse into the environment, and the renewable energy have been the centre of attention. The renewable energy is thatRead MoreThe Energy, Clean Renewable Energy902 Words   |  4 Pagesbe right within humanities grasp? The answer is energy, clean renewable energy. With the increasing advances in modern society, as does the requirement of more energy becomes necessary. Currently humanity are facing a dilemma where humans are burning threw nonrenewable resources such as fos sil fuels, coal, natural gas, and oil faster than they can be replenished from a set stock. Civilization also faces problems stemming from harmful energy sources such as nuclear, and fossil fuels, etc. were harmfulRead MoreRenewable Energy Is The Best Alternative For Fossil Fuel Essay1698 Words   |  7 Pagesfor the greenhouse gases and they are exhaustible as well. Renewable energy is the best alternative for fossil fuel because of the minimum pollution impact, endless characteristic, there are too many type of renewable energy technologies which will be used in different places with different climate, it is depends on technical characteristics, resources availability, economic factors This article is trying to compare two type of renewable technologies; hydro systems with solar systems in one middleRead MoreGenerating Electricity1712 Words   |  7 Pagescharge. It is the most routinely and widely used energy. It is an energy carrier and a secondary source as we get electricity from the conversion of primary sources such as coal, gas, and solar energy. These primary sources are either renewable or non-renewable sources but electricity itself, is neither. The most common way to generate electricity is using fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. They are known as fuels because they release energy when they are burned and fossil fuels becauseRead MoreUsing Renewable Energy Essays1622 Words   |  7 Pagesneed for more energy increases as well. We are accustomed to using fossil fuels as our central source of energy for everyday exploiting. Fossil fuels are a natural matter that is found in the ground of the Earth that is formed in a previous time period millions of years ago and are nonrenewable. Fossil fuels are burned i n order to fabricate energy. When nonrenewable resources have been used, they cannot restock themselves or be used again. Renewable energy is a supply of energy that can be usedRead MoreRussian Gas As A Foreign Policy Weapon1362 Words   |  6 PagesWith 53% of the European Union’s energy being imported in 2013, it is not a surprise that the European Union is continuously seeking alternative energy methods to help gain energy independence. If not complete independence, they hope to lower their reliance on Russia who to frequently uses its energy dominance as a foreign policy weapon. Russian and Ukrainian disputes in 2006, 2009, and 2014 have led to critical gas shortages across the European Union and a public opinion that Russian natural gas

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Reflective Statement Free Essays

Introduction This project involved creating a strategic report covering all aspects of the operation of the Walt Disney Group. The report entailed drawing on a relatively broad analysis of the workings of the Walt Disney Group, with each member of the team contributing certain parts of the report, before then coming together to undertake an overall analysis. This reflective statement looks at how I personally worked within the team and any areas that I feel I could improve upon, in the future. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflective Statement or any similar topic only for you Order Now The reflective statement will also describe the way in which I worked within the team to assist others and how we dealt with any conflicts which occurred, during the length of the project. Individual Contribution I was personally responsible for specific aspects of the actual research and for writing up the project. At the outset, we sat down with the team to allocate certain areas of work, with a view to meeting regularly to combine our findings and to ensure that the report, as a whole, read as if it were one voice. As the project involved some form of strategic analysis, I was particularly concerned that if each individual simply worked on their own section, it would not come together as a sensible whole (Forsyth, 2009). I personally felt that I took the lead, when it came to communicating amongst the team and also when ensuring that we met up regularly to discuss progress. I myself as one of the other team members took the lead in arranging these meetings. Whilst this was successful, initially, we soon found that other members of the team were not responding to the suggestion of meetings and were not sending their own work in good time, thus creating difficulties amongst the team and also making it harder for me as an individual to complete my element of the project (Boud Walker 1993) If I were to undertake the project again, I would ensure that, from the outset, much greater emphasis was placed on setting out the full scope of each individual’s work assignment, as it quickly became apparent that each individual within the team was relying on others to undertake their part of the report. Therefore, when one individual was failing to keep pace with the rest of the team, this created a much greater problem than simply one person not â€Å"pulling their weight†. As a relatively strong individual, I would personally put myself forward as more of a co-ordinator, at the outset, to ensure that this lack of cohesion did not happen in future (Jarboe Witteman, 1996). When we encountered difficulties at the end of the project, with one individual not being available in the few days prior to the deadline, I took on another section of the writing in order to ensure that we were then able to meet the deadline, something which put me under increased personal pressure. Based on the problems that we were having, at that point in time, it was the only reasonable solution available; however, better team management, at an earlier stage when it became apparent that some individuals were not going to make the deadline would have prevented such a high level of personal pressure and this additional workload could then have been spread more evenly. Working with Others and Resolving Conflicts As noted above, it became apparent, as the project progressed, that there were certain key individuals within the team who were becoming increasingly unresponsive to setting up meeting times and were not presenting their work when requested. This could have put the entire project in jeopardy and was exacerbated when one individual was not available at all, in the few days prior to the deadline. The fact that some of the key individuals were not responding to requests for meetings or submitting their work on-time became apparent midway through the project. Yet, action was not positively taken by myself and the other organising team members who were still responding until just a few days before the deadline (Coleman, 2011). Effectively, our approach to dealing with this matter was to ignore it and simply continue with our own activities, something which potentially jeopardised the project in its entirety. With a project of this nature, merely ignoring conflict was not an option. Furthermore, although regular negotiations were attempted by suggesting meeting times, communication between team members had already broken down. In reality, this conflict could have been resolved, at the outset, before any difficulties emerged, by setting out a team leader who was going to be responsible for keeping everybody on track and ensuring that the meetings took place as arranged. As soon as it became apparent that the timeframe for the project was not being kept, the appointed team leader could then have taken a more aggressive stance to ensure that such failings did not jeopardise the overall project. It was arguably this failure that was instrumental in creating a last-minute panic and rush. Individual Improvement for the Future Bearing all of this in mind, I feel that my own areas for improvement, in the future would be to take a much more active stance, in terms of project management, from the outset (Schon 1996). I would also ensure that all team members complied with the timeframes set out. I became personally aware that there were difficulties with communication and timeframe, at a relatively early stage, yet I largely chose to ignore this in the hope that matters would improve of their own accord. This approach led to me personally being put under considerable pressure, towards the end of the project and, as such, my own individual performance was not as good as it could have been, particularly with the last section of the project being rushed, over a period of 2 to 3 days. I therefore feel that I could have improved my own personal performance by taking a much more active role in project management. This would enable me to ensure that each individual was working within the timeframe and I was not requ ired to rush during the last few days of the project, potentially sacrificing the quality of the work. References Boud D Walker D (1993) Barriers to Reflection on Experience. In Boud D,. Cohen R Walker D. Using Experience for Learning. Buckingham: Society for Research into Higher Education Open University Press. Coleman, P (2011). The Five Percent: Finding Solutions to Seemingly Impossible Conflicts. Public Affairs. New York, p.26 Forsyth, D. R. (2009). Group dynamics (5th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole. Jarboe, S. C., Witteman, H. R. (1996). Intragroup conflict management in task-oriented groups: The influence of problem sources and problem analysis. Small Group Research, 27, 316–338. Schon D. (1996). From Technical Rationality to Reflection in Action, In: Edwards, R., Hanson, A., and P Raggatt (eds) Boundaries of Adult Learning, London, Routledge. How to cite Reflective Statement, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Cu1 free essay sample

Explain the importance of multi-agency working and integrated working. Multi-agency working brings together different practitioners from different sectors in an integrated way in order to support children, young children and families. This is done because there are children that require additional support and they will require the right professional in order to help them. Multi-agency working is basically a team that work around a particular family in order to give them the help and support that they need. Multi-agency work often includes different people from different professional backgrounds, e. g. police, social workers, Early Years etc. It is important to have multi-agency workers as it provides benefits for the child and their families. These benefits include: . Early identification and intervention. . Easier or quicker access to services or expertise . Improved achievement in education and better engagement in education . Better support for parents . Children, young people and family’s needs addressed more appropriately . We will write a custom essay sample on Cu1 or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Better quality services . Reduced need for more specialists services. . 2: Analyse how integrated working practices and multi-agency working in partnership deliver better outcomes for children and young people. There are many reasons as to why integrated working practices and multi-agency working deliver better outcomes for children and young people than just an individual opinion or observation would. More observations and more opinions mean that it is more liable to come to a more accurate result, which will benefit the child as they will more than likely receive the help they need a lot quicker, and it is more likely to be the help that they require. It is important to be reassuring and sensitive towards the child, so that they do not feel on edge or nervous about being watched and evaluated by lots of different people, as it may alter the way they are and affect the result. Having set meetings between the professionals that include the parents will make it easier to express any concerns they may have, and they can all express their ideas and opinions and evaluate them as a professional team. 1. 3: Describe the functions of external agencies with whom your work setting or service interacts.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

5 Steps to Completing Your First Draft

5 Steps to Completing Your First Draft 5 Steps to Completing Your First Draft 5 Steps to Completing Your First Draft By Mark Nichol Follow these stages of preparation and production to assemble a first draft of written (or spoken) content. 1. Identify Your Purpose What is the reason for writing the content? Are you objectively presenting information? If so, is it for educational purposes, or for entertainment or both? Are you writing to help someone make a decision, or encouraging someone to take action? Identifying your goal for the content will help you shape the piece. 2. Identify Your Readership Who are your intended readers (and your unintended ones)? What is their level of literacy, and what is their degree of prior knowledge of the topic? Imagining who your readers are will help you decide what voice and tone to adopt, how formal or informal your language will be though that factor also depends on your approach (see below) and how much detail or background information you provide. 3. Identify Your Approach Should your content be authoritative, or is it the work of someone informally communicating with peers? Are you offering friendly advice, or is your tone cautionary? Are you selling something, or are you skeptical? Should the content be serious, or is some levity appropriate? Determining your strategy, in combination with identifying your readership, will help you decide how the piece will feel to the reader. 4. Identify Your Ideas Brainstorm before and during the drafting process, and again when you revise. If appropriate, talk or write to intended readers about what they hope to learn from the content. Imagine that you are an expert on the topic, and pretend that you are being interviewed about it. Write down the questions and your answers to help you structure the content. Alternatively, present a mock speech or lecture on the topic and transcribe your talk. Draft an executive summary or an abstract of the content, or think about how you would describe it to someone in a few sentences. Or draw a diagram or a map of the content. Using one or more of these strategies will help you populate your content with the information your readers want or need. 5. Identify Your Structure Craft a title that clearly summarizes the topic in a few words. Explain the main idea in the first paragraph. Organize the content by one of several schemes: chronology or sequence, relative importance, or differing viewpoints. Use section headings or transitional language to signal new subtopics. Integrate sidebars, graphics, and/or links as appropriate. Incorporating these building blocks will help you produce a coherent, well-organized piece. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Words for Facial ExpressionsFlier vs. Flyer50 Synonyms for "Song"

Monday, November 25, 2019

Stakeholder Analysis Essay Example

Stakeholder Analysis Essay Example Stakeholder Analysis Essay Stakeholder Analysis Essay These guidelines are part of a set of five that BirdLife is using to ensure that projects at IBAs have the participation and ownership of local people, and to help design actions that achieve the linked objectives of improved local livelihoods and IBA conservation. The guidelines should be used as a linked and complementary set. The series comprises: Guidelines on Project Planning: The Logical Framework Approach, a Project Design and Analysis Tool Guidelines for Participatory Poverty Assessment at IBAs and the identification of poverty reduction indicators Guidelines on Stakeholder analysis Guidelines for Site Support Group Institutional Analysis Guidelines for basic monitoring of Important Bird Areas Feedback on the guidelines, so that they can be developed and improved, is much appreciated. Please send your comments to david. [emailprotected] org The main source for these guidelines was: Bibby, C. J and Alder, C. 2003 (eds) The conservation project manual. Cambridge, UK: BP Conservation Programme 1. How to identify the stakeholders The objectives of stakeholder identification are twofold: to get a clear understanding as to who the main stakeholders are, and to understand their values, beliefs, problems and attitudes towards the project. Stakeholder identification will also give you a good understanding as to who should be directly involved in project planning. Internal stakeholders (i. e. those included within the likely partnership for your project) are relatively easy to identify. You should by now have a good idea about the objectives, strengths and weaknesses of your team and project partners, and the initial project idea should give you a sufficient insight of which specialist knowledge will be required to implement the project. External stakeholders (i. e. those likely to remain outside the project partnership but who may be affected by the project or have some other interest in its outcome) are much more difficult to identify. The first task (often overlooked) is to differentiate sufficiently between your stakeholders. It is not good enough for example merely to limit the definition of villagers around a national park to ‘local people’. There are likely to be huge differences within this group and the aim should be, as much as practical, to define homogeneous groups with similar characteristics. In its simplest form, people who know the project situation very well can simply brainstorm the list of important stakeholders and analyse their characteristics in the form of a stakeholder analysis (see below). However, more often than not, planners need to analyse the situation in the field. For simple projects, it might be sufficient to consult key informants. These are individuals who know the local situation well, such as village heads, local government officials, local teachers and religious leaders. Larger projects will often require more detailed specialist studies to fully understand the socio-economic environment of the project. Clearly, the most direct method of involving stakeholders is to involve everybody directly in the project planning. While this is feasible for some small projects, it is clearly impossible to do if large numbers of people are involved. You should therefore consult directly with every stakeholder group through formal and/or informal surveys, group discussions or similar tools of participatory approaches. True participatory planning requires special skills in team dynamics, visualisation, interview and facilitation techniques (and therefore requires specialist input). 2. Stakeholder analysis The challenge is to take the viewpoints and actions of these specific groups into account. The objectives and interests of the people, social groups or institutions participating in or affected by the project should always be ncluded in planning, through a stakeholder analysis. This step is generally done during the planning workshop, after a thorough analysis of the situation in the field. The objectives of the stakeholder analysis are: to list and characterise the major stakeholders to understand their present and potential roles and responsibilities to understand their interests, fears, problems and potentials to draw conclusi ons for the planning of the project. List of main stakeholders 1 This step is a simple collection of names of relevant groups. There are often a large number of stakeholders involved. It is therefore highly recommended to cluster stakeholders into homogeneous groups with similar characteristics, problems and interests. On the other hand, great care should be taken not to lump different groups together. Even â€Å"conservation groups† for example may not be sufficiently differentiated category each conservation organisation within such a grouping may well have its own particular perspective on an issue. Always refer back to the project idea to check whether a group is really a major stakeholder or not. This will often become an iterative process once you have put together your initial project plan and have developed a clearer focus of what it will do, you will probably have to reconsider your stakeholder analysis to identify any additional stakeholders in relation to this. Analysis of stakeholders The second step is an analysis of each stakeholder group in terms of its characteristics, impact and relation to the project. There are many different ways to do a stakeholder analysis. We recommend the planning group agrees the headings under which each group is analysed. Conventionally, these include: main characteristics such as social structure, interests (what makes them tick), impact on the present situation, fears and expectations. In many situations there may be important differences in interests, impacts etc. between men and women. Therefore if appropriate stakeholder groups should be differentiated according to gender. Recommendations, prioritisation and project design Following the above analysis, the planning group should agree a recommendation as to what the project should do to address the findings of the analysis and which priority should be given to its implementation. Results of the stakeholder analysis should be presented in a short summary of the findings. An extract of a stakeholder analysis is presented below. Some stakeholders might have negative views of the project and their positions need to be understood to work in the right direction; different stakeholders have different degrees of potential contribution and impact and might be involved in the project in different ways; representatives of all the major groups would be needed to formulate a plan that had a good chance of success. When the analysis is complete, it is essential to ensure that the proposal shows clearly how the recommendations are taken into account in the project activities and monitoring plan. 2 3. The Stakeholder Analysis Report Please prepare your stakeholder analysis report according to the following outline: 1. Method 1. 1 How was the stakeholder analysis carried out? (describe any meetings/workshops, consultation, review of documents etc. ) 1. 2 If you held a stakeholder analysis workshop, who was present? 1. 3 Which groups did these people represent? 2. Results 2. Complete a summary table (using the framework shown in Annex 1) 2. 2 Provide a more detailed description of the main stakeholders, expanding on the information in the table 3. Implications for project implementation 3. 1 How will the different stakeholders be engaged in the project? (i. e. how will you ensure that they are kept briefed about project progress, that they support the project and are involved? ) 3. 2 What will be t he role of the different stakeholders in the project? (i. e. How will they be involved – as project partners, as beneficiaries, other? Will they be directly involved in implementation, in decision-making, as part of a steering committee? ) 3. 3 Are there any stakeholders with negatives views of the project? If so, how will this situation be addressed? 3. 4 How has this stakeholder analysis influenced the project design, activities and implementation strategy? Annex 1: Partially filled in stakeholder analysis for a project aiming to conserve wetlands with high population density Stakeholder Characteristics Main interests what are their main interests or motivations? Impact on situation what impact do they currently have on the situation the project is interested in? Interests, fears, expectations what is their reaction to the project likely to be? Relation to project what is most likely position that they will adopt vis-a-vis the project? Potential impact how important or serious might consequences be for the project? (low, med, high, critical) Recommendations Priority identity of group or individuals what sort of person or organisation are they? Implications of this for the project plan Rank importance of stakeholder to project success (high, med, low) Policy makers Elected, influential, temporary Satisfy needs of people, reelection Central Govt conservation departments Central Govt development departments Some influence on policy makers and donors, under-funded Knowledge of development issues, Wide contacts, strong influence on policy makers Nature Conservation Development and poverty alleviation Support of fishers and farmers; little knowledge of conservation Limited awareness Like positive publicity, fear that project could hinder development Would like to lead, staff input Potential supporters High Keep informed, convince of benefits if in doubt High Project partner Critical Involve closely at all stages of planning and implementation High Local Govt services [fishery, etc list them, one by one] Local government Hunters from elsewhere Herders National conservation NGOs Researchers Subsistence fishers Artisanal fishers Industrial fishers 4 5

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment on children's museum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Assignment on children's museum - Essay Example He is a veteran who maintains a calm approach towards work. According to the analysis, she always remains calm and alert, though focused. Because she is old and alert (probably due to old age and experience), she has to ask the question ‘’where are the seating areas for each exhibit area?’’ when she was confronted by Hans, a 35 year old curator, on the need to provide a seating arrangements for the exhibition, Kate retorted immediately that the parents and grandparents of the children who might like to come along with the children must need seats to rest their trembling limbs when they are tired. Her view was immediately supported by Maya Zam, the president of the children’s museum organization. Hans: Hans is a 35 year old staff of the children’s museum that always exhibits his youthful attitude towards his work. He is a curator. Following the generational differences survey, he belongs to Generation X; those who are known for their skepticism and as a result have distrust for institutions and never hide their preference for individualism. As a young man, his youthful nature is shown in his attitude towards policies and decisions of the organizations. He will prefer that children who come to the museum will walk around and see things for themselves, a contribution which was opposed by the oldest staff; Kate. According to the generational differences survey, the Generation X (where Hans belongs) always distrusts institutions and prize individualism. Hans exhibited this kind of attitude when he opined during one of the meetings of the Green Globe Project Team that he prefers communication through emails rather than coming together all the time for the purpose of having meetings. this could mean that Hans prefer a workplace where staffs are not mandated to come to the workplace all the time, rather they should be given the opportunity to work from anywhere making an extensive use of the information technology which is in vo gue. Individualism was expressed in Han’s opinion that communication among the members of the team should be done through emails rather than coming together. This was opposed by Jan; a 65 year old staff who insisted that the advent of information technology should not forbid them from meeting on a regular basis in order to have face-to-face discussions about the success of the additional wing of the museum. His doubt for meeting of the deadline by the team was the main reason why he suggested that communications should be done through emails, because the team meetings normally end up in a logjam due to generational debates and arguments. Anna: Anna is a 48 year old staff of the museum. She belongs to the baby boomer generation. She occupies the post of the assistant production manager. Her attitude towards work shows a desire for dialogue. She is more open to dialogue more than others. Hence, she opined that becoming a generationally responsive team is the only solution for c reating a more generationally friendly space. For her, mutual understanding of each other’s attitude is the sure way towards creating an all inclusive exhibit. Her attitude towards the team meetings reveals the characteristics of the generation where she belongs. The boomer generation is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The impact of advertising on male consumer Essay

The impact of advertising on male consumer - Essay Example This "The impact of advertising on male consumer" essay outlines how advertising shapes consumer patterns of male consumer and tools that it uses. A man's identity used to be dependent upon his role as a provider and his place of employment – this has been the traditional way that has defined the essence of the male identity in the modern society. This is known as the â€Å"hegemonic gender identity.† This morphed into contemporary society, in which, it is argued, Henry Ford is responsible for the increase in consumption, for he pioneered the idea that workers should be paid well, which led to more disposable income and, thus, more consumption. In advanced capitalist societies, Ford made consumption more egalitarian, and less the province of the rich. Modern consumption is driven by the choices that were being offered in modern society, choices that were not offered in earlier societies, before mass production of goods became the norm. According to Naomi Klein (2000), t his led to competitive branding and, ultimately, to the rise of designer labels, such as Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren. During this period, men were traditionally thought of as producers – too busy working to bother with consuming – marketers traditionally have catered to females, as they were considered to be the consumers to the male producers. Advertising and marketing in the modern era catered to women, with particular emphasis upon women in their traditional gender-defined roles – looking beautiful and doing domestic chores, while men were in the background.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analyzing a Major Issue Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analyzing a Major Issue - Assignment Example Due to the expansive and otherwise broad definition that has been given, it is possible for the Whereas other forms of violence in society are oftentimes the work of an outside or otherwise unknown force, law enforcement began to notice the prevalence of this form of violence and denoted a specific label with regards to differentiating it from the various other sorts of crime that exist within the system. As a means of seeking to lower the incidence of such violence within society, there are a number of factors that can and should be employed from a perspective of social work (Gibbons, 2011). The first of these is to increase awareness and perception of the issue. Only by increasing awareness and perception can it be hoped that a higher percentage of domestic violence cases are reported to proper law enforcement authorities to investigate and prosecute as they see fit. Major changes to the way the legal system came to engage with domestic violence came to be exhibited not long after the feminist movement began to gain traction in the late 1960s and 1970s. However, even as â€Å"domestic abuse† came to be categorized as a separate type of violence with stiffer penalties as compared to the analogous assault and battery charge, the history of the way in which domestic violence has been defined and understood dates back far longer than the recent past few decades. As far back as 1641, individual municipalities throughout the colonies began to adopt statutes that forbade husbands from â€Å"striping† their wives. This served as the first example for the way in which early legislation was placed on the books and forbade the practice; at least in theory. Similarly, changes in the 1850s, at the state level of Tennessee, specifically forbade any physical violence directed at a spouse for any reason; something that was unique and groundbreakin g at that time. By the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Effect Of Dispossession On Aboriginal Spiritualities Religion Essay

Effect Of Dispossession On Aboriginal Spiritualities Religion Essay The dispossession on Aboriginal spiritualities in relation to the stolen generation is a continuing effect. Dispossession means taking away what was there, in this case when the white settlers came to Australia they took everything from the Aboriginals including their home and families. The stolen generation began at the beginning of the European Colonisation. Colonisation was soon established and it removed all Aboriginal people from their own land and destroyed their sacred sites. Aboriginal girls were forced to serve as domestics and they were even sometimes forced to double up as sexual partners. Aboriginal boys were forced to work as stockmen. Soon came another policy that forced all aboriginal people to reject their own religion and accept and follow Christianity, this policy was known as missionisation. Young aboriginal children were taken away from their parents and their aboriginal families and they were separated from their siblings, every person was sent somewhere else. An example of this is the first video which is about the rabbit proof fence, as seen in the video when the white person came he tore up Aboriginal families, you are able to see how the mothers reacted which gives us the meaning that the parents especially the mothers were badly affected by this. This was known as the stolen generation, it destroyed aboriginal family and cultural life. Aboriginal people and especially the children were moved to stay in missions which were run by some churches and to reserves that were run by the government. Segregation destroyed the spirituality of the aboriginal people and it destroyed their religious links. The aboriginal children of the stolen generation that stayed in the missions and reserves were forced to forget everything from their community and their family and they were forced to dress, talk and act like white people. As seen in the second video, it shows us how the scene of the children being taken away from their family really affects ever yone; the children that were acting that scene were crying and so were the directors, these shows us that till today people are being affected by this and are very emotional about it. The parents of the stolen generation were badly affected and this led to depression, mental illnesses, addiction to drinking and drugs and some parents died a lonely sad death. An example of this is in the third video the interview with Helen Moran, she said she had the idea that her father died a sad lonely death searching for his children, and Helen is still upset about what she experienced and especially how her parents were affected especially her dad. The European contact till today towards the Aboriginal spiritualities is a continuing effect of dispossession in relation to the stolen generation. Part B: Using the source above, examine the relationship between Aboriginal spiritualities and religious traditions in the process of Reconciliation. The process of reconciliation is the relationship of aboriginal spiritualities and religious traditions. Reconciliation is the process where Aboriginal people and non-indigenous people in Australia make a move into the future based on a new relationship that involves important things like understanding, respect and common acknowledgment. This means that the injustice in the past including the dispossession of land and the stolen generation, must be dealt with in order for the Australians to live in peace. Reconciliation was created in order to help and repair the Aboriginal spirituality. The Aboriginal thinking has been negatively impacted by the western Christian missions. Many Aboriginals became nominal Christians because there was nothing they could do. In aboriginal theology there is a liberal tradition, it involves dependence, and social structure of the western church. When Pope Paul II came to Australia and visited Alice Springs, the Roman Catholic Church showed great support for reconciliation, and it was able to make lots of positive movements towards the Reconciliation process. Also in 1998 the Anglican Church of Australia showed its support towards reconciliation and they were also able to encourage many enterprises to help in the process to achieve the reconciliation. The Aboriginal story-telling theology accepted the important links between stories and biblical scriptures and it also kept the traditional and cultural theology. This theology has been used by many theologians; they use this theology because they are able to make it relevant to their everyday life. An example of this is as seen in the artwork from the Lutheran Church of Australia, it shows that the Aboriginals were forced to become Christian but it also shows us the meaning of the cross being white which represents the white religion and the use of bush tucker and the darker drawings around the cross represent the aboriginal traditions and by both being combined together it creates wh oleness that the aboriginal accept because one of their tradition is being put with one of the white traditions. On behalf of the Jews the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies have also shown their support to the aboriginal reconciliation, because they know exactly how the Aboriginal people feel. The Jews and the Aboriginals have both experienced the same injustice and suffering in the past generations and they are working forward together towards reconciliation. The attempts towards reconciliation by all the different religious traditions have helped to bring agreement towards the Christian and aboriginal religious ideas and most importantly the religious traditions in the process of reconciliation. Part C: Using examples, evaluate the importance of ecumenical developments and interfaith dialogue in Australia. Ecumenical development and interfaith dialogue is very important in Australia. Ecumenism is concerned with the common values and teachings that are the same across many different churches in making up the Christian world. Ecumenism focuses on many things, three important ones include: uniting all Christians from all different communities, cooperation across the different communities and it focuses on things that are common across all the communities. Ecumenism was found in the early 1900s, but it didnt come into effect until the 1960s after the World Council of Churches was formed in 1984. The World Council of Churches is an important example that was used for the importance of ecumenical developments. The ecumenical development was a big movement in the Christian church which caught everyones attention across all communities. In 1948 the world council of churches had its first conference which brought together the Protestants, Eastern Orthodox and Old Catholic bodies. The world coun cil of churches had its fourth meeting in 1968 and it was seen in that conference that the Protestants, Orthodox and the Catholics were working together. The calling of the ecumenical movement is to transform the earth into a living house of God. The Catholic Church referred to the ecumenical movement as activities planned and undertaken to show Christian unity. An example of a church that has been a participate of the ecumenism is The Orthodox Churches. They refer to it as a discovery of the shared history of all Christians. In the third meeting of the world council of churches which was in 1961, the Orthodox Church said that the ecumenical movement is a search to reintegrate the Christian mind and recover the Apostolic Tradition. Two examples of a modern day ecumenical movement are the great formation of the Uniting Church in Australia and the week of prayer for Christian agreement. The National Council of Churches in Australia is an example of one common state-based ecumenical co uncil that tries and aims to speak common concerns to the government about important issues that strongly affect Christian life. There is a network in Australia that has 16 Christian churches as participates, this network is the NSW Ecumenical Council. The aims of the network are to promote the idea of Christian churches working together. The core force for the NSW Ecumenical Council is the unity and the important truths of God in Jesus Christ. In the National Council of Churches Australia there have been many churches that have joined but have failed because they werent able to accept the ecumenical dialogue that churches have put forward doctrines and there have been disagreements. Some of these churches include: Baptists and Pentecostals. Interfaith dialogue is the movement between different religious traditions and groups to a achieve peace between the different beliefs. It is important for the interfaith dialogue to be a positive relationship, and there needs to be a good relat ionship with the religious traditions themselves for it to work well. When conflicts arise through the interfaith dialogue, the way it is resolved is by the leaders from the different traditions meet together and talk about their faith and they try to work things out and sort out the misunderstanding. The most important things about interfaith dialogue include: its important that the dialogue starts when people meet, dialogue depends mostly on trust and common knowledge between everyone, dialogue makes it easy to share in the community and finally dialogue becomes the standard reliable witness. Interfaith dialogue has its boundaries of its significance and value. It was said by Dr Gerard Hall SM, who is a catholic theologian, that we all live in a democracy which means everyone has a right to both follow and defend their beliefs and practices, even though they may be considered wrong by other people. Dialogue among people who have different traditions in Australia is a very importan t social structure requirement because Australia is a multicultural and multi-religious society. Dialogue between religious traditions makes a perfect dialogue between Christian groups. An example of this is the catholic churchs commitment to maintain an open dialogue with other faiths, this occurred in 1992, it was brought up by the Bishops committee for Ecumenical and interfaith relations of the Australia Catholic Bishops conference. An important achievement by the council is the set of guidelines for the Christian teachers and preachers; it was created to help them deal more with many passages that are in the new testament that have been used wrongly towards the Jews. These guidelines were developed with the help of the heads of many different churches, some including: the Anglican, Roman Catholic, Uniting Churches and the Lutheran church. An example of a major independent interfaith association that is in Australia is the World Council on Religion and Peace, this interfaith asso ciation is made up of legislative bodies from many major religious traditions. Interfaith dialogue had led to the formation of an annual Australian Multifaith Advisory Forum, that has been represented by 17 faith communities and it has been suggested that in parliament in the beginning of everyday there should be a rotate in interfaith prayers regularly. The best and most important religious improvement in Australia is the growth of ecumenism, and a growth in love, and cooperation between the Christian churches and most importantly dialogue and the cooperation between the many different Christian communities.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Qualities of the Houyhnhnm’s Civilization in Gullivers Travels Ess

In part 4 of Gulliver’s Travels, Gulliver is abandoned on an island by his crew. As Gulliver begins to explore his surroundings, a group of savages attack him. These savages appear to be human, however they behave like wild animals. Gulliver is rescued by a couple of horses. The horses are called â€Å"Houyhnhnms† are rational creatures which are capable of speech and thought. The horses refer to these human-like creatures as â€Å"Yahoos† and treat them as wild animals incapable of reasoning. Gulliver is very surprised how the Houyhnhnms speak to each other, while the Houyhnhnms are equally surprised at the appearance and behavior of Gulliver. The horses lead Gulliver back to their base where they proceed to find out more about him. Gulliver also describes them and how they converse with each other. Gulliver pays close attention to their language and eventually learns how to speak with them. He asks them questions about their culture and learns about their socie ty. He tells them about his society and how horses are treated and how the humans are far superior to the horses. Gulliver is treated very well by the Houyhnhnms. Gulliver spends a lot of time with one horse in particular. Gulliver refers to this horse as his master. Gulliver tells his master of his life and his native land which is England. Gulliver talks about his crew and their lives and troubles. Many of Gulliver’s crew were lost at sea and they were replaced by criminals and men who were desperate for work. In describing these men, Gulliver shows his master what human nature is like. Gulliver has a hard time explaining the crimes and motives of men and their actions because his master does not understand dishonesty and treachery. Gulliver talks about why humans wage wars aga... ... of the Houyhnhnm and their pursuit of knowledge allow them to live in perfect happiness. They are not selfish or greedy and are perfectly honest. If humanity were to strive towards gaining these qualities which the Houyhnhnm possess, humans would be more likely to create a better society. Humanity has created governments in order to promote justice, peace and prosperity. The Houyhnhnm created a similar government to help them maintain their virtuous society. Humanity must place a large importance on virtue in order to make human society better. Humanity is very different from this land of horses. The horses seem to lack any emotion and are incapable of joy and sorrow. Humans often allow emotions to guide their decision-making process. The Houyhnhnm allow only reason to guide them. Humans should try to replicate this pattern to create better effects for society.