Saturday, February 29, 2020

Business munication for Interdisciplinary

Communication is an essential rather it's the main part of any business. Good business munication always makes that business a great success.   munication means municate with other people and make them know about the business product, so basically it will attract more businesses.   Business munication will help the Heart Saver pany to entice more hospitals and healthcare centres to know about their product, and this will help to grow the business (Us et al., 2017). Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) is great equipment, and it helps to prevent cardiac arrests. The Heart Saver pany supplies AED and provides coaching on how to use it and why is it important.   Therefore, a good munication in the business will help the business to grow because people will get to know how useful the product is for them if they are suffering from some heart diseases or cardiac arrests. Service quality will improve if the business munication is good of the Heart Saver pany. After all, it is a di gital world, and it is so easy to municate with others now.   When the leaders of the Heart Saver pany municates positively and professionally, a good positive atmosphere will produce itself. Good business munications will increase upper the demand of AEDs (Akyol, 2013). There are certain types of munication would occur. Today most of our munication takes place via our smartphones and puters in this digital world. So creating a business page on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter will help to create a good business munication. municate with consumers through online is the best way of munication nowadays. Another way of munication is doing a free campaign of this product called AEDs in several hospitals and munities (DR.K.VANITHA, 2012). It will help the people to know more about AEDs, and by these campaigns, the Heart Saver pany will create awareness among people too. People will get more aware of cardiac attacks and heart diseases. They will share it with their family too, so it will help the business to grow anyway. Written munication is one of the most important ways of business munication. Hospitals are busy places, so if the Heart Saver pany write about their product and how useful it is in a block of interesting paper and distribute it to the hospitals and to the munities, it will be an effective way to municate (, 2017). As AED is a life-saving kits so, I would like to suggest the owner be more authentic about the product. Though pany is doing well when the munication with the consumer is concerned, but the pany must have to reach the people strongly. Heart Saver pany should do spread more about the effectiveness of the AED rather than the product. It would be beneficial for the pany to gain the trust of the consumers (Peery and Galanos, 2006). Apart from that, the pany should post the feedback of their every consumer over social media and other media to grab the marketplace in a proper way. Nevertheless, to say focusing on the quality is far better than the getting negative feedback. The product must be more user-friendly and the usage of the concerned product should be discussed among the consumers in a proper way. Heart Saver pany must involve best-trained person for the door-to-door selling purpose, as it can be the best way to convince the pros of the AED. The pany should spread awareness among the people about the advantages of AED and how a precious life can be saved. In the end, I must suggest the pany pay more attention to the transparency with their consumers. It would be better for the pany to develop the product according to the feedback of the consumers (Knight, 2013). Akyol, ?. (2013). Social Media and Marketing: Viral Marketing.  Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. DR.K.VANITHA, D. (2012). Customer Relationship Management on Customer Satisfaction.  International Journal of Scientific Research, 3(4), pp.1-3. Knight, M. (2013). Usability and Business munication.  Business munication Quarterly, 76(4), pp.395-396. Peery, C. and Galanos, A. (2006). Home Automated External Defibrillators in a Geriatric Population: A Brief Discussion of the Evidence.  Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 54(1), pp.133-137. (2017).  HeartSaver: Jump Starting The Business. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2017]. Us, A., are, W., Team, O., us, W., AEDs, A., AEDs, O., verification, A., ideas, A., Cover, E., Us, C., Saver, B., Gus Bell, R., School, J., Sue Dewsnap, A., Tom Searle, L., Tony de Felice, C., Coleen Carmichael, B., Debbie Baxter, N., Delwyn Miles, T. and Ateesh Patel, A. (2017).  Heart Saver New Zealand | AED | FIRST AID | MEDIC | TRAINING. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 May 2017].

Thursday, February 13, 2020

College Physics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

College Physics - Research Paper Example According to the electromagnetic theory, a charged particle in accelerated motion must radiate energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. So an electron revolving around the nucleus must also radiate energy and finally fall into the nucleus following a spiral path. 5. Although these quarks can not be isolated individually, but in combination with the others it can give existence to subatomic particles as electrons and protons. An electron is made up of one up-quark and two down-quarks (u, d, d) and a proton is made up of two up-quarks and one down-quark (u, u, d). Water or moisture on the earth absorbs heat from the sun and the surroundings. When enough heat has been absorbed, some of the liquid molecules have enough energy to escape from the liquid and begin to rise into the atmosphere as a vapor. As the vapor rises higher, the temperature of the surrounding air becomes lower. Eventually, the vapor loses enough heat to the surrounding air to allow it to turn back into a liquid. Earth's gravitational pull then causes the liquid to "fall" back down to the earth, thereby completing the cycle. It should be noted that if the temperatures in the surrounding air are low enough, the vapor can condense and then freeze into snow or sleet. Once again, gravity will claim the frozen forms and they will return to the earth. Like giant capacitors in the sky, these clouds get charged up. The upper portion of the cloud is positive

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Food Advertising and Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Food Advertising and Marketing - Essay Example Foods marketed to children are predominantly high in sugar and fat, and as such are inconsistent with national dietary recommendations. The purpose of my dissertation will be to examine the food advertising and marketing channels used to target children and adolescents and the impact of food advertising on children's eating behavior. Issue of fairness: I believe like most parents and consumer protection groups that advertising directly to children is dangerous and unethical as it can be deceptive and manipulative. It also promotes consumerism and poor nutritional habits to a defenseless target audience . To create awareness and promote stricter Regulations: In the UK, as compared to many other European nations, there are currently few policies or standards for food advertising and marketing aimed at children. For example, The Nordic countries are at the forefront of protecting children from the effects of advertising. Sweden has the strictest controls in Europe and in 1991 instituted a ban on television and radio advertising targeted at children under the age of 12. The Swedish government views advertising to children as morally and ethically unacceptable, since children have difficulty distinguishing between the purpose of advertising and other modes of communication. In Belgium, it is forbidden to broadcast commercials during children's programs as well as during the 5 minutes before and after them. (National Council of Better Business, 2003).So I believe that more research and analysis in this area is required in the UK to create more awareness of the importance of the issue at h and. This in turn would hopefully encourage the concerned authorities to introduce stricter laws to protect our children. A Need to explore all channels of Marketing: When I examined the existing body of literature review on my chosen subject, I found that majority of the focus of the current and ongoing analysis of brand promotions to children is on television advertising. While the huge impact of television advertising on vulnerable children cannot be denied, there also needs to be equal focus on other increasingly popular ways of advertising like the internet, schools, video games, movies, kid's clubs etc. A good understanding of the above mentioned marketing techniques is essential to completely eradicate the corruption of children's minds. Literature Review: Food Advertising: It is estimated that in UK , the food industry spent in excess of 0.3 billion in 1999 promoting unhealthy food products.(Advertising Association Yearbook,2000). These are processed foods which contain high levels of fat and/or sugar and/or salt and include confectionery, crisps and savory snacks, soft drinks and other so-called 'fast' or pre-prepared 'convenience' foods. In July 2001 Sustain published TV Dinners, a report which examines the nature and extent of food advertising during children's TV programmes(Sustain,2001).The study shows that between 95% and 99% of the food advertising during children's programming is for fatty and/or sugary and/or salty foods. Fatty and