Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro Essay Example

Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro Essay On this essay we are going to conduct a rhetorical analysis on the article called â€Å"The Microsoft Surface Pro 3: A FITTING LAPTOP REPLACEMENT?† on this article the author starts at the beginning by comparing it with its competitors â€Å"Apple’s IPad†, but mainly focuses on describing the new aspects of this device and the upgrades made from its older model the surface pro 2. It also details its hardware and software capabilities, prices and expectations on the new mobile market. The author of the article is clearly focusing on corporate IT professionals and IT enthusiast who might enjoy having this powerful device at their disposal. â€Å"The latest version of Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablet represents the company’s most convincing alternative to Apple’s iPad. But how does it fit into corporate IT?† By comparing it to the famous IPad and recreating a controversial topic suck as the Apple vs Microsoft, the author quickly grabs the a ttention of both user, or in this case the attention of the readers who utilize both devices; either Microsoft users and Apple users can’t help but to keep reading to find out what makes this specific item stand apart from the famous Apple brand products. The author focuses on describing the Surface pro’s new specifications and the ability to use full fledge programs such as Photoshop, VM wares, and the full Microsoft office suite on this device. Another big point the author is trying to make by clarifying all the uses this device has, is to whether you can replace your traditional lap top or notebook for this tablet-pc device. By bringing up all the aspects where the surface pro shines, the author gets all the reader’s attention and makes a remarkable impression that the Surface pro is the device that will replace most of your laptop needs on this ongoing IT field. With all the detailed information and nice added features the author clearly states that the Surface Pro 3 is more than enough to We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

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