Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Families Influence Child Development Essay - 508 Words

Family is an essential part of everyone’s development. A family can determine who you are going to be and your family values determine what your relationship with others will be like. If a family is dysfunctional or abusive it can emotionally scar an individual. Through time family values have been changed and lost. Instead of family togetherness and talking with each other, families now go on their separate ways. Examples, most families today don’t eat dinner together or partake in group activities. Our society thrives on independence and doing things on our own but has this changed the way people see the family. The most common comparison is the 1950’s to the 2000’s of today. This is good comparison because the 50’s was the time when†¦show more content†¦One example of a family would be the dad going to work and the mom staying home to take care of the house. This always showed the kids that there was one parent always there for help, wit h HW or to have a snack prepared after school. One thing the 50’s were known for were their family dinners that everyone in the household was there for. The family had outings and talked about issues they were having. One thing teens valued was the ability to speak to their parents about things they wanted to know. In today’s society family isn’t as important parents try to have that 50’s family lifestyle but with busy schedules parents’ working late and not having enough time, family togetherness is difficult. We today don’t put as much value in our family togetherness because some families aren’t traditional. Many families are families with one parent mostly single mothers. This makes it hard because when it’s a single parent then they have to work later in order to make ends meet. Also the things that are on TV aren’t very appropriate and from a young age kids are seeing things that they normally shouldn’t. How can we protect children from TV or from the media when it’s all around them? With new technology and new ways to get information things have become more difficult to sensor what kids see and with the new idea that sex sells family values have been put in jeopardy. Although the 50’s had impact in how the family atmosphere should be some things were wrong and over the top.Show MoreRelatedFamily Systems Come in All Shapes and Sizes Essay836 Words   |  4 Pagesdefining what a family system is. The traditional thought of a family system is a man and a woman living together with children, but as we all know, relationships since then have evolved and are not always between a man and woman. 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