Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Essay -- Ebenezer Scrooge

A pill bug is a bug that shapes a hard shell around its delicate substance at whatever point surprised or terrified. Much the same as this pill bug, people monitor themselves from anything that harms them without understanding that they are closing out the most valuable snapshots of their lives. Ebenezer Scrooge, the principle character of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, is a virus man. He finds what he characterizes as obvious joy as cash and riches. From the start he just is by all accounts a machine living in a human structure, however as Scrooge's actual excursion and hardships are uncovered, it gets hard to reprimand just Scrooge for his autonomy. It is unavoidable that Scrooge's inconsiderateness and impudent savagery towards individuals prompted the abuse of his dead body, yet Scrooge's dividers were not worked in vain. As the story advances, and his actual story all the way is uncovered. There is nobody individual to fault, for it was an inappropriate of everybody. As B laise Pascal once stated, â€Å"All of mankind's issues originate from a man's powerlessness to sit discreetly in a room alone.† From the outset, Ebenezer Scrooge is a peculiar man. In his mature age, he lives alone in a house that was once possessed by his perished colleague, the main individual he interfaced with. His musings are consistently merciless and negligent as it is shown when Scrooge says, â€Å" 'On the off chance that they would prefer to kick the bucket,' said Scrooge, 'they would be advised to do it, and diminishing the overflow populace' †(10). At the story's beginning, Scrooge is a withdrawn individual who stays away from associations with individuals guaranteeing that they are pointless. He is seen by others as a belittling figure who is to be avoided on account of his uninviting way. Individuals who were content with their lives were encircled by their friends and neighbors and never encour... ...p to humankind. He once challenged to dare to the profundities of haziness, where all expectation of ever returning would be lost, yet he was spared by the Spirits who helped him understand that he was threatening himself. At long last, Scrooge lived with a greater grin, stronger snicker, and jollier advance than any other individual; it was a cheerful closure. Had Scrooge not transformed, it would have finished on a dull note with many overlooked passings and awful accounts of dead bodies. Everybody has a decision. Which way of Scrooge will you take? Its absolutely impossible to constrain what society gives us and what issues we are introduced in the first place, however they way we deal with and take care of these issues become the premise of our regular day to day existences right to our final gasp. Each second in the middle of will esteemed as though the last and no individual will ever go unfullfilled. Works Cited A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Friday, August 21, 2020

Friendly Gossip is an Oxymoron :: Friendship Essay

Benevolent Gossip is an Oxymoron Would you be able to leave well enough alone? Becky asked me in a quieted tone. We were in my front room. Last I checked, my dividers don't have ears. I had no clue why she was talking so unobtrusively. Why? What is it? I was savvy to this kind of babble. She needed to disclose to me a bit of tattle that she should uncover. Her double-crossing was rapidly turning into my concern. Before I could react contrarily, she burst out, Jennifer is pregnant!. She simply discovered and let me know, yet asked me not to tell anybody. You won't tell, will you? She proceeded, Simply act astounded when she lets you know. OK, I oversaw irresolutely. How uncalled for. Presently I knew something I shouldn't; far and away more terrible, I needed to imagine to be confused. Becky hadn't allowed me to state, No, I would prefer not to know. I sincerely would not like to know. I had been in comparative circumstances previously and gotten scorched. I lost a dear companion in light of uncovered mysteries and tattle. Interest doesn't outwit me any longer. Presently the games start, I thought. Would it be a good idea for me to sell out Becky or Jennifer? History rehashes itself and I realized only doubt would happen to this discussion. Shockingly, there is really nothing of the sort as cordial tattle. at that point, I realized that I was unable to confide in Becky. Had she been uncovering all the confidences that I imparted to her previously? She had consistently been a dear companion. She was likewise that companion from whom I constantly took in the most recent scoop on everybody. I began thinking about the innumerable mysteries that I advised her over the four years we knew one another. A considerable lot of those discussions got open. I hadn't thought she was the individual who told. I hadn't thought about that somebody who professed to be a dear companion would uncover my sentiments. I heard a bounty of tattle from her lips. Not until she sat in my front room murmuring regarding Jennifer had I considered she was a bigmouth. I had revealed to Becky when I found I was pregnant. She was overjoyed. I hadn't told any other individual. A couple of days after the fact, everybody was saluting me. I was harmed. I needed to confer my awesome news. I was denied of the experience. Regardless of my hurt emotions, I would not like to face her. I didn't reveal to her that I speculated that she babbled.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Hippolytas Function in A Midsummer Nights Dream - Literature Essay Samples

In William Shakespeares A Midsummer Nights Dream, the minor character Hippolyta functions in three ways. Her first role in the play is as an example of mature love in juxtaposition to the two immature Athenian couples. Her second purpose in the play is to aid in answering the question Can love follow conquest?. Her final function is to act as a voice of reason and clarification for the audience. Even though Hippolyta is a minor character in the play, her part is critical to the development of the plays major themes of love and understanding. Hippolyta and Theseus begin A Midsummer Nights Dream by discussing their plans to marry. They remain true to one another throughout the course of the play, until finally marrying in the end. Shakespeare juxtaposes them against Hermia, Helena, Demetrius, and Lysanders unstable relationships. He portrays the Athenian lovers as irrational because of their arbitrary love for one another. Their love is superficial and the objects of it change several times during the play. Demetrius is unable to explain his sudden love for Helena when he says, I wot not by what power- / But by some power it is-my love to Hermia, / Melted as the snow (IV, i, 167-169). After saying these lines, he absurdly makes plans to immediately marry Helena, even though his love for her is arbitrary. Hippolytas relationship with Theseus is not tainted or changed with magic, as is the case with the Athenian lovers relationships. The magic the Athenian lovers experience represents the immaturity and uncertainness of their love.Even though Hippolytas relationship with Theseus appears to be more stable and mature than the Athenian lovers, it is still based on the conquests of war. After Theseus conquers the Amazons, Hippolyta must become his wife. Their relationship is not hateful and cruel like Helena and Demetrius relationship is at the beginning of the play, however there is still noticeable tension. This poses the ques tion Can conquest result in love?. Theseus comments that he wooed thee with my sword, / And won thy love, doing thee injuries; (I, i, 16-17). This apparent paradox is not the typical standard of true love. When the couple goes hunting Theseus seems to recognize the effort he must put forth to conquer Hippolytas heart (IV, i, 122-128). He tries to impress her with his dogs howling even though she has said there is none better than the howling of Hercules dogs. The howling is like music to Hippolyta, which is symbolic because it represents harmony. She does not believe she will have harmony in her life with Theseus, because it is a result of war. Hippolyta shows that love is not won on a battlefield. However, the couple has only mild disagreements for the continuance of the play. The idea that she will grow to love him emerges with the symbolic dance of Titania and Oberon (V, i, 402-424). Their dance signifies harmony and order for the couple.Hippolytas final f unction is to aid the audience in sorting through the disorder and chaos of the play. Her literal mindedness and rational nature allow her to clarify the mysterious and magical events of the play for the audience. Her fiancà ©, Theseus, is the most powerful mortal in the play, however Hippolyta proves to use less imagination and more reasoning than he does. Theseus sees the Athenian lovers as being without reason because The lunatic, the lover, and the poet/ Are of imagination all compact (V, i, 7-8). On the other hand, Hippolyta uses reason to prove the lovers stories true, because all of their stories coincide with one another. This enables the audience to realize the previous scenes actually happened, even though they are full magic and other ethereal components. Later, Hippolyta comments symbolically, This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard with regard to the mechanics rendition of Thisbe and Pyramus(V, i, 211). Her comment on the play is like that of an audience members comment on A Midsummer Nights Dream, because of the ridiculous events that occur. Theseus reply that one should use his or her imagination to better understand it shows how Shakespeare intends the audience to view the play. Hippolyta clarifies for the audience again, adding that it is the audience, not the characters, that use their imagination. She illuminates the way the audience should respond to A Midsummer Nights Dream.Even though Hippolyta only appears in three scenes of the play, her contributions are essential to the plays development. Her demonstration of mature love functions as the standard that the Athenian lovers never reach. The juxtaposition of Hippolytas relationship against the other lovers relationship shows the irrational, superficial, and arbitrary nature of the latter groups love. Hippolyta also shows that love can emerge from conquest and war. Her love for Theseus emerges after order and harmony resumes in their world. L astly, Hippolyta acts as a voice of reason and clarification for the audience. Her rational insights allow the audience to understand the events surrounding the Athenian lovers, as well as the play as a whole. Hippolytas three functions as a minor character contribute immensely to plot and understanding of A Midsummer Nights Dream. Without the character of Hippolyta, the play would lack in theme, substance, and clarity.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Teamwork And Fight For The Music Industry I Knew That It...

Perseverance: 30 Seconds to Mars When I first began working in the music industry I knew that it was a cutthroat business. From the growing competition all the way down to the tight deadlines, I knew that a career in this field would be something that everyone has to fight for. I always admired the people in the industry who fought for the rights of their creativity and stood up to the big name corporations that casted a shadow over this industry. One particular group of artists that I’ve admired for years now because of this is the band 30 Seconds to Mars. It was through 30 Seconds to Mars that I learned to always fight for my own creativity and fight for what I believe is truly right. After a successful worldwide tour that lasted nearly two years, the band had returned home to Los Angeles to work out a new contract with their label Virgin Records/EMI. However, when the band began to renegotiate new terms; the company hit 30 Seconds to Mars with a $30,000,000.00 lawsuit (Cubbins, 2012). According to Billboar d reporter Ayala Ben-Yehuda (2008), the record company decided to sue the band for not delivering three of the five albums that were established under the band’s previous contract. Not only did the band face a huge lawsuit, but the company also cut off all their financial resources until the band gave in to their demands. Instead of giving up and taking the short end of the stick, 30 Seconds to Mars took it upon themselves to fund and build their own home studio forShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagesand the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Whetten, David A. (David Allred) Developing management skills /David A. Whetten, Kim S. Cameron.—8th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-13-612100-8 1. Management—-Study and teaching. 2. Management—Problems, exercises, etc. Kim S. II. Title. HD30.4.W46 2011 658.40071 173—dc22 I. Cameron, 2009040522 Read MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words   |  702 PagesSENIOR MEDIA EDITOR George Hoffman Lise Johnson Carissa Doshi Dorothy Sinclair Matt Winslow Amy Scholz Carly DeCandia Alana Filipovich Jeof Vita Arthur Medina Allison Morris This book was set in 10/12 New Caledonia by Aptara ®, Inc. and printed and bound by Courier/Westford. The cover was printed by Courier/Westford. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright  © 2009, 2006, 2004, 2001, 1998, 1995, 1992, 1989, 1986, 1981, 1976 John Wiley Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. NoRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 PagesOrganizations, Seventh Edition Cohen Harvard Business Review Finance Articles The Power of Management Capital Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum International Management, Sixth Edition Hodgetts−Luthans−Doh Contemporary Management, Fourth Edition Jones−George Driving Shareholder Value Morin−Jarrell Leadership, Fifth Edition Hughes−Ginnett−Curphy The Art of M A: Merger/Acquisitions/Buyout Guide, Third Edition Reed−Lajoux and others . . . This book was printed on recycled paper. Management http://wwwRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pagestrademarks. Where those designations appear in this book, and the publisher was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps or all caps. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Robbins, Stephen P. Organizational behavior / Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge. — 15th ed. p. cm. Includes indexes. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-283487-2 ISBN-10: 0-13-283487-1 1. Organizational behavior. I. Judge, Tim. II. Title. HD58.7.R62 2012 658.3—dc23 2011038674 10 9 8 7 6

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Families Influence Child Development Essay - 508 Words

Family is an essential part of everyone’s development. A family can determine who you are going to be and your family values determine what your relationship with others will be like. If a family is dysfunctional or abusive it can emotionally scar an individual. Through time family values have been changed and lost. Instead of family togetherness and talking with each other, families now go on their separate ways. Examples, most families today don’t eat dinner together or partake in group activities. Our society thrives on independence and doing things on our own but has this changed the way people see the family. The most common comparison is the 1950’s to the 2000’s of today. This is good comparison because the 50’s was the time when†¦show more content†¦One example of a family would be the dad going to work and the mom staying home to take care of the house. This always showed the kids that there was one parent always there for help, wit h HW or to have a snack prepared after school. One thing the 50’s were known for were their family dinners that everyone in the household was there for. The family had outings and talked about issues they were having. One thing teens valued was the ability to speak to their parents about things they wanted to know. In today’s society family isn’t as important parents try to have that 50’s family lifestyle but with busy schedules parents’ working late and not having enough time, family togetherness is difficult. We today don’t put as much value in our family togetherness because some families aren’t traditional. Many families are families with one parent mostly single mothers. This makes it hard because when it’s a single parent then they have to work later in order to make ends meet. Also the things that are on TV aren’t very appropriate and from a young age kids are seeing things that they normally shouldn’t. How can we protect children from TV or from the media when it’s all around them? With new technology and new ways to get information things have become more difficult to sensor what kids see and with the new idea that sex sells family values have been put in jeopardy. Although the 50’s had impact in how the family atmosphere should be some things were wrong and over the top.Show MoreRelatedFamily Systems Come in All Shapes and Sizes Essay836 Words   |  4 Pagesdefining what a family system is. The traditional thought of a family system is a man and a woman living together with children, but as we all know, relationships since then have evolved and are not always between a man and woman. 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Many theories that are proposed by psychologis t are used to explain the process of child development. Berndt (1992) explained nature as the impact of the genetic inheritance or heredity of a person during development. Based on Kail’s (2010, p. 135) study, â€Å"research reveals consistent genetic influence in many psychological areas, including personality, mental abilityRead MoreParent And Peer Influence On A Preteens Development1546 Words   |  7 Pagesparent and peer influence on a preteens development. It will take into account the different roles that each play through the course of middle childhood. This paper will examine the key needs that parents provide such as physical necessities, learning, self-respect, peer relationship, harmony, and stability. It will also look at what influences peers have on each other and how peer groups affect the child s decisions and beliefs. 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Whilst focusing on the impact during different stages of a child’s primary education, I will look at how these themes influence the child and why they are important. Poverty is a major issue that can vastly affect childhood development. (Horgan, 2007).Read MoreThe Ecological Systems Theory Developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner1314 Words   |  5 Pagescomplex interacting factors. The level of influence these factors have on children are often conceptualised in relation to proximity to child. The closet or most influential factors for children include family of origin and parental beliefs and values. Factors that influence in the child less directly are social and cultural influences. All of these factors influence children on a daily basis and significantly impact their relationships and development. 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The Bathroom Issue free essay sample

One of the most debated topics in America right now is the bathroom policy. There are a lot of aspects to this question, but the debate basically boils down to: Should there be gender-neutral bathrooms and/or should everyone, no matter their sex or gender, be allowed to use whatever bathroom they chose? In order to address this matter correctly, we must be familiar with the vocabulary that goes along with this issue. When referring to sex, that means the certain genitalia someone has. Gender refers to what gender someone identifies as, or what gender they feel like they are, regardless of the genitalia. This could be male or female, but it could also be genderqueer, agender, etc. A transgender (trans) male is someone who was born with female genitalia, but identifies as a male. A transgender (trans) female is the same as a transgender male, except the other way around. We will write a custom essay sample on The Bathroom Issue or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page A transsexual male or female is someone who had to get a sex reassignment surgery to switch their genitalia. All of the aforementioned identities are part of the LGBTQ community. A gender-neutral bathroom is one that has the accommodations to suit the needs of both sexes, and is open to everyone. When someone mentions the bathroom issue, most people think of the bills passed in North Carolina. The first bill required that people use the bathroom the coordinated with the sex listed on their birth certificate. The second bill that was passed was meant to repeal this, but instead it only pushed the problem down to local governments. This doesn’t protect trans people, as local governments have different policies. A solution needs to be made at the federal level. The federal legislators should pass a law that requires all facilities to have at least one gender-neutral bathroom available. A member of Congress needs to write up a bill that will protect trans people across America. Then, someone needs to convince a majority of members of Congress to pass the bill. Then, we have to hope that the president agrees with Congress enough to sign the bill and make it a law. However, there will be people that oppose this. Even though it helps a large number of oppressed people, there are people who don’t like trans people, so they don’t want trans people to have rights. Unfortunately, some of these people are in positions of power, like in Congress, so a bill to give trans people more rights might not be passed in Congress. For a bill like the one I am proposing, we have to depend on Congress to pass the bill. If the president vetoes it, then at least we got it to his attention. If the bill fails in Congress, then this very important issue is never even brought to the attention of the president. I don’t think a bill like this would be very likely to succeed. While society is a lot more accepting of the LGBTQ community, there is still some prejudice that we have to overcome. I don’t believe that there are any members of Congress that are openly part of the LGBTQ community, so that a lack of personal experience may prevent this type of bill from becoming a law. Many people probably brush this issue off. â€Å"It’s just a bathroom,† they might say. However, for trans people it is much more than that. The bathroom issue is about them feeling comfortable with who they are. For example, a transgender male may not be welcome in a men’s bathroom because their sex is female. T he same may go for transgender females. The bathroom issue is about not making people choose which gender they identify with. It is about the basic human right of going to the bathroom without being judged for it. In order to raise the likely hood of this bill being passed, we should try to have the members of Congress walk a mile in the shoes of those who face a problem like having to choose between being comfortable and being safe. Maybe if those in positions of power feel what it is like to have to decide that, then we can get a very important bill like this passed. Laws about the bathroom issue have only been at the state level, but not at the federal level. I believe that no needed change will come from leaving this decision up to the state or local government. The federal government needs to step in and require that all facilities in America have at least one gender-neutral bathroom.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro Essay Example

Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro Essay On this essay we are going to conduct a rhetorical analysis on the article called â€Å"The Microsoft Surface Pro 3: A FITTING LAPTOP REPLACEMENT?† on this article the author starts at the beginning by comparing it with its competitors â€Å"Apple’s IPad†, but mainly focuses on describing the new aspects of this device and the upgrades made from its older model the surface pro 2. It also details its hardware and software capabilities, prices and expectations on the new mobile market. The author of the article is clearly focusing on corporate IT professionals and IT enthusiast who might enjoy having this powerful device at their disposal. â€Å"The latest version of Microsoft’s Surface Pro tablet represents the company’s most convincing alternative to Apple’s iPad. But how does it fit into corporate IT?† By comparing it to the famous IPad and recreating a controversial topic suck as the Apple vs Microsoft, the author quickly grabs the a ttention of both user, or in this case the attention of the readers who utilize both devices; either Microsoft users and Apple users can’t help but to keep reading to find out what makes this specific item stand apart from the famous Apple brand products. The author focuses on describing the Surface pro’s new specifications and the ability to use full fledge programs such as Photoshop, VM wares, and the full Microsoft office suite on this device. Another big point the author is trying to make by clarifying all the uses this device has, is to whether you can replace your traditional lap top or notebook for this tablet-pc device. By bringing up all the aspects where the surface pro shines, the author gets all the reader’s attention and makes a remarkable impression that the Surface pro is the device that will replace most of your laptop needs on this ongoing IT field. With all the detailed information and nice added features the author clearly states that the Surface Pro 3 is more than enough to We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Overview of the Microsoft Surface Pro specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer